General Dentist
Dr. Cohen has been practicing dentistry for over 40 years, with experience in general dentistry and special interests in esthetics, implantology, and caring for apprehensive patients.
Born and raised in Baltimore, Dr. Cohen earned his D.D.S. degree from the University of Maryland Dental School in 1974. He has served as a clinical instructor at the Maryland Dental School, has lectured for the Essex Community College Physicians Assistant Program, and is a member of the medical staff of Franklin Square Hospital.
Throughout his years of practice, Dr. Cohen has remained committed to professional excellence. In 1995 he was awarded Mastership in the Academy of General Dentistry (MAGD), an honor recognized by a “Governor’s Citation” and a Resolution from the Senate of Maryland. Prior to joining our team he and Dr. Lustman owned their own practice in Essex, MD, which they sold together to spend more time with family, travel, and enjoying hobbies. We are so lucky to have Dr. Cohen’s years of experience in dentistry and patient care!